apollo health


Gig Harbor, WA

Apollo Health | Product Probiotic

$ 57.00 USD

Restore Your Gut Balance and Supercharge Your Health with Active Probiotic-ND

Active Probiotic-ND isn't your average probiotic supplement. This professional-grade formula goes beyond simply adding good bacteria to your gut. It takes a comprehensive approach to digestive and whole-body health.

  • Diverse Probiotic Powerhouse:  Active Probiotic-ND boasts a unique blend of 9 beneficial probiotic strains, all sourced from non-dairy sources. This diversity helps ensure a wider range of gut bacteria are supported, promoting a more balanced and resilient gut microbiome.
  • Prebiotic Boost:  The formula isn't just about probiotics. It also includes prebiotic fiber, which acts as food for your good bacteria, helping them thrive and further optimize their gut-balancing effects.
  • Beyond the Gut:  A healthy gut microbiome goes beyond digestion. Research suggests it can influence various aspects of well-being. Active Probiotic-ND may support healthy cognitive function, immune system strength, metabolic health, and even cardiovascular health by promoting a balanced gut environment.

This targeted approach makes Active Probiotic-ND a powerful tool for promoting not just digestive health, but overall well-being. By restoring a healthy balance of gut bacteria, you're potentially investing in a healthier you, from your mind to your heart and beyond.

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