apollo health


Gig Harbor, WA

Apollo Health | Product Iron

$ 25.00 USD

Iron Bis-Glycinate isn't just another iron supplement. It's a powerful ally for your overall health, packed with a unique combination of benefits:

  • Superior Absorption:  This formula features iron bis-glycinate, a gentle and highly absorbable form of iron. This means your body gets the iron it needs without the potential for stomach upset often associated with traditional iron supplements.
  • Essential Allies:  Iron Bis-Glycinate goes beyond just iron. It includes a blend of essential vitamins and nutrients that work synergistically to support iron absorption and utilization.
  • Antioxidant Powerhouse:  This professional-grade nutraceutical boasts antioxidant properties that can help combat free radical damage and support cellular health.
  • Holistic Support:  By providing readily absorbed iron and essential nutrients, Iron Bis-Glycinate targets a variety of vital functions in your body. This comprehensive approach contributes to whole-body health, promoting healthy blood sugar regulation, blood cell production, and potentially even supporting other essential processes.

Iron Bis-Glycinate isn't a one-trick pony. It's a multi-faceted formula designed to provide the iron your body needs while delivering a range of additional health benefits.

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